Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My life -___-

This year mayb's the worst year!
I'm in the freaking blue class and i hate it!
Not so much friend in that class -_-
I have tuition today like normal! haiz*
got bm homework today. Cant we just dont have homework for a day -__-
Can i like change class?!!!
Btw, im in love with the song called ''hoot'' by SNSD =)
Btw, Maddi Jane is a great singer. She's just like 12 this year like me -.-
BYE! HOOT! ^_^

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My b'day and Genting ♥♥♥

Sorry for not updating my blog for a long time ;(
Will update more often ya readers :D
7/12/10 its my burfday and it's a public holiday as well ;)
i celebrated my burfday at 'MONTEL' ...
That restaurant is at KLANG
We went to the nearby Jusco to walk first
I went to the toys department to check weather got tamagotchi sell anot.
They only sell the exp wan which is RM 90 -.-'
The cheap wan is only RM 20 which is so damn cheap lor!
The exp wan is just fatter and theres no diff actually, and its only bigger abit!
i wanted my sis to buy tht for me ._.

 my burfday cake =D
its '' choc black forest''

my present from mummy ;)

my present from daddy ;)

Me :)

making a wish :D

a pic with mummy and times two :) ♥

Our fav flavour are back :D
chocolate sundae cone!
but its more expensive then the vanilla.
the choc wan is rm 1.50
but still its cheap la!

brother's food.
chicken chop..
sorry halfway eating only remember to take pic of food :O

dad's food.
mints lamb..

my sister's food!
*butter fish* i think, but its nice ;)
my mum also eat the same food as my  sis...

my food!!
chicken maryland!
its the same as chicken chop but this have more things :p

a pic with bro :D ♥


11/12/10 went to genting,  we went thr to celebrate my bday also la.. *kinda*
me, sis, and bro went to play outdoor theme park :)
But there's alot of people thr -.-

cyclone!! wooh*
damn nice!
bro and me sat infront..
sis dont dare to sit infront so she sat at the back :p
hahahaha! scaredy cat!

This is the spinner :)
it was damn nice!!!!!!!

WE ALSO SAT: pirate ship, sungai rejang flume ride, bumper boat,corkskrew :D

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Amp Square ♥

 Last Tuesday (301110) Went to Amp Square with Carmen.
Guess who i saw there?
I saw Hasya :)
Me and carmen had lotsa fun at the karaoke.
We played bumper car too! =D

Dora ♥

See our beutiful legs xD
Left myn
Right , Carmen's

Im waiting for Carmen,
So i took a random photo..
She went to buy drink :)

Me and Carmen :)

16 ♥

Me and Hasya ♥♥☻




Heres the end of my post! ♥

Monday, November 29, 2010

I close my eyes and pray ♥

I close my eyes and i can see a better day ♥
OMG! im in love with that song!  ♥ =)
Wanna hear that song?

PRAY by justin bieber ♥

Tomoro me going to karaoke at AMP SQUARE ♥
I can't wait lah! 18 hours left! lets countdown with me xD
im gonna update my blog soon ^^
xoxo ♥

Thursday, November 25, 2010

About You Now ♥

Last Wed (241110) me went to chelsea's house :)
We had lotsa fun :)
We also make some videos !!!
It was awesome , went back at 7 sth!
Yesterday ( 251110) Carmen came over =D ♥
We had funnn!!!!
We make a video and play a really funny game 


 This is some of the pix i took with Carmen using the webcam :) ♥


actually got more pix but lazy to upload! ehe

Me and Carmen are planning to go karaoke next week =DD

ByE! ♥♥

Monday, November 22, 2010

DOMO KUN =) ♥♥

Domo Kun belongs to me =) ♥ im gonna buy ,it of cos i will !!
hehe :)
I ♥ u DOMO KUN ~~ 

Dear domo kun, you're gonna belong to me soon..

Anyways... im gonna post some pictures ♥ 

i lurve the peeps in this pic ;)
i won't forget bout you clare n chels ;) 
ilove you too ♥♥

heres a pic of meh!
There's another pic!!

i just lurve taking pix at night ....
i just lurve the darkness at night :p
It makes the picture nicer effects :)

i wanna sleep edi,
So goodnitez :)
-yen leng-

Sunday, November 21, 2010

At The Begining ♥

I've watch Harry Potter ytd =) 
It was awesome!!!
I went to summit to watch.
Our movie is at 9-11.30 P.M.
SO 21st Nov is Hasya's burfday =) 
Happy burfday =)
I ♥ U hasya!!! 
Do you know that you are so ADORABLE !!♥
i've never regret meeting you ♥ :*
muaxx muaxx ♥

♫ lurve this show ♫
This show rox ♥♥

ByE =) ♥